Some of the most amazing Google tricks to show off your skills……

Have you ever tried to search for the word [tilt] in Google?  If you have never done that please try wright now after you finish that just try to type in another few words [do a barrel roll] am not going to tell you what will happen go and try it yourself.
Some of the best Google tricks

Google Gravity
   Go to
-          Type Google gravity
-          Click I’m feeling lucky just besides the search button
Enjoy playing with the gravity effects pick up one of the pieces using your cursor and drug it anywhere at the desktop.

Changing Google Background image
-          Go to
-          Click change background
-          Login with your Gmail credentials and change the image by uploading it

Google hacker
-          Go to
-          Type Google hacker
-          Click I’m feeling lucky just besides the search button
The page would appear as if it has been hacked by someone