What to study for IT professionals in Africa

It’s complicated sometimes when you found yourself with ambiguities on what to pursue and survive as an IT professional in Africa. The Industry is hot and it keeps on growing everyday new opportunities are born and cities competing to become IT hubs for their local regions. This shows the battle of running the Industry is no longer for the top guns like South Africa and Nigeria. Recently we have herd Kigali trying to become the IT core for East Africa trying to compete with Nairobi.
As an IT pro first of all you need to ask yourself is what do you want to be hired or to be an entrepreneur
This is very vital question because it determines which specialization you are supposed to take for example becoming an IT entrepreneur you need to have a basic knowledge at least in each and everything in the Industry if you want to start a consultant company we expect you to be familiar with number of stuffs. In the other hand for cooperate IT pro’s we expect them to have complete Idea and knowledge on the specific matters they are working on For example we expect a mobile phone engineer in telecommunication firm to have complete knowledge in mobile phone technologies such as VAS and so on also if you are working in accounting and management part of the industry we expect you to have knowledge in accounting packages such as Tally and database management systems such as Oracle and so on.
What went wrong?
The perception of most young IT pro’s is that once you graduate with a Computer science degree or telecommunication degree that is all you need to survive in this industry and forgetting that there is something called specialization. For example we understand everyone studied Software engineering as part of is syllabus in college but ninety percent of these people they know nothing about software development in real sense meaning that they can’t even do a simple software development project. This led us to our main point which is specialization. We expect a graduate to have strong knowledge in programming languages and software interfacing if his goal is to become software engineer.
What to do for those who want to work in institutions and organizations?
First understand the Industry and the working environment of the place you want to work or pursue your expertise meaning that if you are doing database management system then ask people who are already in office what kind of database are they using if it’s Oracle, MySQL, Derby and so on. This will help you to focus directly on what you are going to work on. The same thing goes for people who expecting to become system administrators you must know the servers and the system you are working on you might spend most of your time focusing on CISCO servers and systems later coming to realize your company is using Linux RedHat systems.
What to do for those who want to become IT entrepreneurs?
First of all is innovation and creativity there is no way you are going to skip that and then ask yourself what sells in the market now if its graphics designing or troubleshooting networks that is your decision. Another important thing is about your customers what do they want you to do for them in most of the time that should be your priority for whatever you are studying if its video production or website designing .Learn new things and new technologies every day and at least try to understand everything in basic and when the task come try to focus on that task until you finish it.