Just get into the train and ride with them

The technology world is moving so fast that, cooperate industry can’t afford to run without the use of technology no more. Technology is like everything in the way we work these days from planning meeting, setting schedules, file sharing, information storage and even decision making.

I remember back then to have an internet in the office it was an issue, organizations used to spend a lot of money to implement ICT infrastructures. By back then I meant less than 10 years ago, remember when Nokia 3310 used to be the most expensive phone in town you could ever own. Few years from then there are thousands of smart phones in streets and some at very affordable prices, even a young college or high school student can own a Samsung Galaxy or Apple’s smart phones.

I remember chatting with my old boss at Tanzania Ports Authority about the seminar that senior official of the port received, on efficient usage of the Blackberry smart phones to send and receive emails, organizing and planning meetings. He said “there is no way I can escape this, 20 years experience of working with the port, today I have to learn how to use a phone to run my department”. That is the power of technology, no matter what educational background you have, experience you posses or even skills you have you can’t escape the trap of technology.

It has been a challenge to a lot of people when their organizations migrate from old manual systems to technology based systems. Most of them felt to be left behind and even some of them believe technology is the tool to exploit them and taking their positions in the organization, which to some extent and some situations appear to be true but not all the time.  The questions remain what should I do when my company or organization is taking it to the next level technology wise. I remember this question was asked during the Nokia developer’s forum Bangalore 2009 and the answer from the speaker was “just get into the train and ride with them”.

Few things that should be clear to you, first, everyone will be trying to adopt the systems the best thing you can do is collaborative learning and knowledge sharing. Be yourself and be free to ask questions and get to know the system. Never pretend you know the system, even if you know it you should always be careful with the way you present it to others and working with them. That is the first rule of the organizational politics, wither you know it or you don’t know it always depend with whom you are working with, especially bosses they always love to be in control. In some situations and some bosses and co-workers who entertain the “Win-Win” situation they will be happy to see an officemate who knows the system already and they will open the door for you to teach them and learn while others won’t.

Second thing you should understand is that, there is always a solution for your technology related problem available online, that is why internet exists. I have done this so many times in job interviews, I read the job description and if I find something that I don’t understand I just Google it and get the fast track information about it and in few days I become an expert. Once you hear new technology is coming to your office or organizations make sure you search online for the possible details about the system. Most of the time lot of resources, materials and even sometimes video tutorials available online. Most of these resources can help you to adopt the new system before others or even before the company decides to hire the trainer to teach you.

Third, if you are the boss this is the time you do two things, first to work so hard to understand the system so that you can be able to help your subordinates to migrate to the new system while understanding who is in charge and second to learn about your employees capabilities and abilities to adopt and practice new ways of doing work. When the new challenge emerges is when you realize people’s potentials. Always entertain innovation and creativity at your workplace is the biggest secret to improve efficiency and productivity. The biggest mistake most of the bosses do is to be afraid of the new systems. They always feel new systems make them to be left behind and undermine their potentials. Leave no room for your subordinates to realize you are afraid to adapt to the new system this will make you look weak in front of them, something you don’t want to do.

If you are just a normal employee at your organization this is an opportunity you have been waiting for. I can’t tell you how many people I know personally that have been hired or promoted since they know something that others can’t do or use. Don’t accept defeat before entering in the ring. Try to see if what is about to be introduced is something that you can hustle to learn and put into practice. One shut is only you have to prove yourself and the opportunities they don’t come that much frequently. It could take an organization another 10 to 15 years to move to a new technology or new way of doing things.
No, I can’t, it won’t work and other answers like this are totally not accepted when you are trying to adopt the new system. The best answer you should provide when you are asked to work with the new system is that, I will try my level best, am working on it, I will adopt and so on. Organizations and companies want people to deliver, if you can’t deliver why should they keep you in their organization? Instead of just replacing you, wise man once told me in this world people they don’t care on what you have or who you are as long as you can deliver something they want in time. Now take your time and ask yourself if you are ready to get into the train and ride with them to the new era of running your organization.

Jumanne Mtambalike