The fame and the skills battle for online traffic….

Tanzanian Bloggers
I have been a blogger for the past four years all this time I have been studying different tricks and technologies on how to drive traffic in your site. The issue is not what you have, the issue what the people want. If you want to drag people into your site you have to think like them but this is very difficult when you are doing cooperate blogging or when you are blogging specifically about particular thing which just select a certain portion of the community as your main audience. 
Personally I like to blog about technology, is what I do actually and I love doing it but loving isn’t enough you have to make something out of it. The only way to do that is to perfect what you do, to provide something of the highest quality that would not only make you survive in the online battle for struggle of existence but will also make you survive living in the shadow of famous people who don’t need to be creative since they are already known. It’s harsh reality but until you are able to survive in the online competition every day you must wake up with something new in your mind to drag the audience into your site. 
The easiest way to have six million hits on your site per month is to be famous, you don’t have to link your site with social networking site, advertise it or even sending thousands of twits to different people to drag them into your site. 
Issa Michuzi
I have been studying a lot of tricks online about increasing traffics in your site some of them are even unethical legally not advised but yes they work. In my experience you don’t have to stress yourself with cyber stalking or putting links into people Facebook wall page or even tagging them in photos of your new site while they don’t actually want to be tagged. There is always a better way to drag traffic into your site always understand what your audience want and ask yourself if what you are giving to them is the thing actually they want. Most of us we like blogging but we are not committed. You can’t make a cool blog or site and expect it to go viral in less than six month while nobody knows you, who do you think you are Issa Michuzi ? Ask him when he started blogging you will realize soon as Google take control over Blogger it was the time Michuzi engaged himself in the blogging industry. 
There is no alternative for hardworking, reading news and committing yourself on what you do if you want to have success. Make sure you promote the local content and no matter what you blog, blog it well and no your audience. If you are a social guy, you hang out with famous people and you like to blog about them then do it. It usually work but it takes some time. I know this guy of course not personally DJ Choka with his blog I used to read it when I was doing my degree in my first year. You can imagine now the time he has spent for his blog to become popular. For the tech enthusiast with their startups who takes blogging and article writing as their carrier they should stay focus and disciplined things like this they take time to mature but when you are up there is no going down. Keep doing what you are doing but make sure you do it right. For any queries about dragging traffic to your site you can contact me directly through my personal mail or see our email address in the contact us page. 
Jumanne Mtambalike
TECH360 Correspondent