Erratic Power Supply Affecting Business in Zambia

Lusaka Zambia
Multi-national mobile communication company, Airtel, has become one of the first big corporations to openly complain at the erratic power supply by Zesco under the PF regime which is attributed to the rising cost of doing business. Airtel Zambia expressed concern at the continued load shedding in the country saying this has increased the cost of doing business.

Company managing director Fayaz King says electricity is an important element that contributes to gross domestic product (GDP) through the information and communications technology (ICT) sector.
King said the four percent drop of availability of power supply in the country is a major concern to the firm.
“I want to emphasise the important role that power plays in the ICT sector. We have two huge generators that we use to supply our towers with power, as you know without power it becomes a big challenge for us to deliver to our customers,” he said.

King was speaking during Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) director general Chibamba Kanyama’s familiarisation tour of the Airtel’s head office in Lusaka yesterday.
King said mobile service providers are catalysts to drive various economic activities.

 Zambia Daily Mail