Tanzania's first data journalism bootcamp

October 18 - 20, 2012. Tanzania's first data journalism bootcamp is offering free seats to 20 journalists, 20 coders, and 20 members of civil society who are interested in building apps for civic media / open data audiences.
The 3-day event will launch in downtown Dar es Salaam between October 18 -20, 2012, and is underwritten by the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), The World Bank Institute, Google, and the African Media Initiative.
Venue details & agenda will be sent shortly.
The Bootcamp will be led by senior trainers from Google, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and The Guardian (UK).
The Bootcamp will bring together journalists with and developers / coders to work in teams to build news-driven mobile apps and civic engagement websites using readily available resources, plus data from the World Bank Institute and the Open Knowledge Foundation in Germany, and other global organisations.
The best project from the bootcamp will qualify for a USD $2000 seed grant, to allow the team to build a fully-functional prototype.
Some of the news-driven civic apps and 'utility news' sites built in similar data journalism initiatives elsewhere in the world include Where Did My Tax Dollars Go and the Lord's Resistance Army Crisis Tracker and Country Sin Rankings.
Bootcamp participants will also be invited to join the local Dar es Salaam HacksHackers chapter, so that they can continue to expand their digital literacy skills.
To confirm your seat, you must commit to attend all three days of the Bootcamp. You should reserve your seat by sending mail to (pkariuki@africanmediainitiative.org)
confirming the following information:
[1] Your name
[2] Your email address & mobile number
[3] Your organizational affiliation & job title
[4] An indication of whether you've got any open data / civic media / data journalism experience. You must also fill out this 10-question online survey for your application to be considered.
Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You should therefore reply as soon as possible. Again, information on venue will be forwarded to those who apply.
Please respond to: chammer@worldbank.org by Monday, October 15.
Phares Kariuki
| Digital Projects | African Media Initiative |T: +254 734 810 802 | E: pkariuki@africanmediainitiative.org  | Skype: kariukiphares | W: http://www.africanmediainitiative.org/ |