Three sizes devices now to be released by Google……

As their main rivals Google are looking forward to launch their product in three sized to compete on the market with their fellow gadget giant Apple. Google on Monday unveiled the Nexus 10, a 10-inch tablet it developed with Samsung, and a new phone, the Nexus 4 that it made with LG. Google also said it would upgrade its seven-inch tablet, the Nexus 7, to include a cellular data connection.

Apple are the one who used to offer touch screen devices of all sizes large, medium and small but now Google will do the same thing. With the addition of its new iPad Mini, Apple offers touch-screen devices in three sizes. Now Google is matching that by introducing a tablet that is meant to compete directly with the larger iPad.

This is another real threat to Apple Inc. which has been battling out the challenges that have posed by Google on them.  The Nexus 10 tablet includes a high-resolution display and the newest Android software, which has a feature that allows the tablet to be shared by setting up separate user accounts, something the iPad does not have.

TECH360 Correspondent