Zimbabwe: “ICTs Vital for Development” Morgan Tsvangirai

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai
Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday said Government has adopted Information Communication Technologies as an integral component to stimulate economic development. PM Tsvangirai said this while officially opening the inaugural e-Tech Africa Exhibition at the Harare International Conference Centre. The five-day event began on Monday and will end today.
"As Government, we have made ICTs the central hub for the Mid Term Plan, the Millennium Development Goals and other programmes to transform the lives of our people," he said. "ICT's are a critical tool to eradicate poverty and enhance growth. Government has realised that we cannot grow all the sectors of the economy at once and has identified ICTs to spearhead the development in other sectors of the economy."
PM Tsvangirai also took a swipe at the State Procurement Board for not promoting the local ICT industry by not awarding tenders to local experts.
Speaking at the same event Deputy Prime Minister Professor Arthur Mutambara also called for the development of the local ICT industry to wean the country from dependence on importance.
"We should not just be sales persons, let us design software, let us design gadgets, let us be participants in the design of the knowledge and equipment and not just be consumers," he said.
He commended companies that exhibited for showcasing various products showing great innovation. Information Communication Technology Minister Nelson Chamisa said Government was working on having an information based society by 2015.
"We are not where we want to be in terms of speeds and costs but those are things that are always under construction and we are working with the regulators to see how we can address those. “We want our society to be knowledge-based by 2015 and for everyone to be on the ICT platform. "We want a paperless economy by 2015," Minister Chamisa said.
The e-Tech Exhibition was held under the theme, ICTs for Socio-Economic Transformation and was attended by leading ICT's companies in Zimbabwe and others from South Africa and Mauritius.
The Herald Zimbabwe