Getting social with
your site or blog and increase traffic
Most of the time these days when you open a site or blog
wither its word-press or blogger you will find out people have these attractive
sharing button on their sites. These buttons allows them to link their sites to
the social networking sites such as Facebook, Google + and others and even re
tweeting their posts in twitter or like their pages in Facebook. You want to do
that it’s easy you can either have all of them at the same time by just going
to sites like Share this or Add this which would give you a
widget of a certain form by just selecting your platform if it’s a website, blogger, wordpress or
any other and then you will be directed to copy the codes provided to a
specified location in your site or blog. Most of the time for bloggers you will
have to paste the codes in Html/JavaScript
widget in blogger and For a website you will have to paste it at your own
required destination in some of the sites they will give you a floating share
buttons above your site look here.
From Twitter you are allowed to have different widgets which
will display to your users your real time activities and daily tweets updates
as they appear at your profile page, you can have the widgets from this link [].
Other social networking sites can be easily accessed in
using the Share This and Add This buttons by just selecting the links you want
to have in your site or posts in your blogs.