core reason of having a mobile phone company in the first place is to
connect people and provide means of communication between people by
using the cellular network provided by the mobile phone company.
thing first we realize although the service providers have to make
profit out of this but the main aim still is to connect people no matter
what ways you attain your profit but people must still be connected all
the time and in most efficient way.
are two things here the profit that the company has to make and the
service that the company has to provide which led us to our main topic
what’s wrong with mobile phone companies in Tanzania. While other mobile
phone companies are fighting to provide good consumer services others
are fighting to attain more profit out of their consumers while not even
providing proper services.
the early days of mobile companies the days of Mobitel and the likes
the main focus first was to reach people first in the most efficient way
and to ensure proper interactivity between the consumer and the service
provider. There is nothing wrong for the company trying to make profit
out of their services but the point still stand does they provide proper
services with respect to the money we are spending on them. for example
if you have to call the person three times before getting a channel to
talk to him just because the company is not able to control on air
mobile traffic or you cannot recharge your phone account because the
server is low it has been overpowered by the number of users.
like the competition that we are seeing wright now having the mobile
phone giants companies such as Vodacom, Tigo, Airtel, Zantel and others
competing to win the hearts of consumers but really what we need is good
service first and other things can follow later.
other thing is that the companies should find a proper way of
collecting the money and surviving in the competition instead of
charging extra cost for the user when makes phone call to the rival
company. If I can talk peacefully when am calling Vodacom to Vodacom
expect to have the same conversation with a person from the rival mobile
company such as Airtel, Zantel or Tigo. I don’t care how you make your
money that’s why you have financial officers let them crack their heads
on how to get the money while the consumers enjoy their talk time If it
is through advertisement or increasing number of people in your network
that is for you to decide but please provide us with proper services.
reaches a point now one person is having four handheld devices just to
be able to call people from other mobile companies why should it be that
way? Does it mean that we are not creative enough to think in any other
why to reduce the talk time cost when the consumer is calling another
company? This is not true why it is possible in other countries but not
here. That is the challenge we left to you the mobile phone companies
service providers it is enough of this suffering. The knowledge on how
to overcome this situation can be studied in other developing countries
such as India in which to some extent they have been able to overcome.