When politics combine with technology the impact is unspeakable

I was sitting on the coach in the evening watching the parliament session on the local T.V station, Tanzania Broadcasting Cooperation (TBC) when the member of the opposition party (CDM) Mr. Zitto Zuberi Kabwe was reading the opposition’s suggested budget to the members of the Parliaments using Apple IPAD 2.0. Franklyn speaking I was amazed like several other Tanzanians who were watching that parliament session. Things have changed and Africa is dwelling into technology. When technologists practice technology is a normal thing but when conservative African politicians starting to believe in technology as a new way of life this  is sound to be very promising for the future of the Tanzania information and communication technology industry.
                “Five African presidents to follow on twitter” it was the heading of one of the leading African online technology magazine. The article mentioned five African presidents you could always follow their post in Twitter including president Jacob Zuma of South Africa, Goodluck Jonathan the Nigerian president, Paul Kagame president of Rwanda, John Evans Mills president of Ghana and my president, the president of the United republic of Tanzania honorable Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.
 Although we are not sure if someone is hired to tweet for them or not, but this shows the power of technology in African politics as the means for them to interact with their people and share their perspective and different opinions with their communities. Currently the Tanzanian president has around one thousand and something tweets with approximately 23,000 thousands followers and himself following two pages. The two pages he follows include the page of Mr. January Makamba (Deputy Minister of Communication, Science and Technology).
In Facebook there are several other pages and groups aiming at creating awareness on open governance and mobilizing people to influence or achieve to attain something from the government through the power of media and technology. The recent events in North Africa where by we have witnessing some dictatorship governments falling apart some people has been suggesting the influence of social networking sites and online forums were by people meet and discuss several matters affecting their countries has been the major sources of these revolutions. The video posted on YouTube during the Gaddafi regime about people being tortured by the dictatorship government was among the reasons led to the public uprising and fight to the government with no fear while driven with hunger for revenge.  The CNN I report and other online T.V shows where by people have been able to upload pictures and videos about the events occurring in real time on the ground has been the major source of information when the local authorities prevents news  companies and media to have access to the information.
The most amazing thing is that the information spread fast and reaches the youth as the major audience since they are the main users of technologies. Wither it the election campaign or the local election results people they can get detail immediately online. Recent I heard the rumors the name of the Nigerian plane crash passengers were released on twitter before even the official report of the Nigerian government. Sometimes the public has been misusing of the technology which mainly comes from the social networking sites to commit their own evils. All in all everything as it advantages and disadvantages.
I have been in the group “TANURU LAFIKRA” in Facebook which in Swahili means the burning chamber of Knowledge in this group we have been discussing several matters affecting our country from political perceptions, social, economic and even spiritual sometimes. In this group we have chance to meet directly with our local leaders from district representatives, parties representatives, members of parliament and ministers. Most of the times leaders have been accepting challenges from the members of the opposition parties and leaders from the opposition parties receiving challenges from followers of the ruling party (CCM) most of the time we have interesting sessions were by in a single Facebook group post you can have about 300 comments of different professionals and people with passion about development in their country.
Technology has brought closer the leaders to their people, I can have a friend who is a member of parliament and whenever I found him online free I can have a chance to exchange views and my ideas with him. Leaders known can receive directly the opinions of the people and the local communities through technology. I would like to say technology bring out new level of transparency in the African governments and re defining the African democracy. This is the new era we encourage our leaders to use technology and users to join these groups to get the chance to impact their societies through the power of technology.