Mistakes you should never do when practicing ICT in Africa

Specialization, that’s dangerous stuff, believe me if you want to suffer in your career call yourself names like programmer, developer, network admin or whatever. In Africa the opportunities they are as they come.  Professionalism isn’t for us make sure you now at least something in everything that is how we survive in Africa as ICT professionals. Sometimes you are broke with nothing in the pocket and there the deal come of developing a simple website with only the basics but since you have chosen to call yourself and network engineer  with no knowledge at all in HTML then you are missing a chance of making a good money out of this basic HTML knowledge.
                Platform based, never depend in a particular platform or technology even if the difference is small compared to other technologies. Someone asked me one time to advise him wither he should continue with CCNP after finishing CCNA or he should go for MCSE so that he can have the basic knowledge for both Cisco and Microsoft platforms. Franklyn speaking my answer was go for MCSE because I knew the chances of getting hired in Africa for being a Cisco certified network professional they are there but a person with both the knowledge would be more valuable in the African industry since most of the companies are either in Microsoft or Cisco technologies and without forgetting Linux servers are getting up with speed. Never sticks to a particular knowledge or platform know something in everything.
                Latest and complicated technologies, there is nothing wrong knowing or learning a new technology for your own good as an individual but be careful when you want to implement that knowledge directly to your business or company, most of the time Africa has been reluctant with the rate of change of technologies. Usually the companies and clients they try to adapt to the situations slowly. I remember when Adobe Flash came out most of my friends used to like developing their website using Adobe Flash and practicing using Action script 3.0 as their developing language but letter on they came to change since they were receiving a lot of complaints from their customers complaining about their sites failing to open up and take long time to load and the contents to appear. The lesson here is there was nothing wrong for them to using Adobe Flash that time but the environments is what let them down at that time the speed of the internet was slow, most of the people lack awareness of the technology and even some people didn’t know how to use other browsers as Mozilla Firefox or Chrome. Hence the result was a complete failure.
Forgetting the basics, I had a chance to work as Data Analyst in a government authority as a contract worker managing the data and analyzing them using Microsoft Excel before generating graphs and presentation through MS- Power point, believe me I use to call myself a Computer pioneer but when I reach there and see what people are able to do with Microsoft excel it was amazing experience. Sometimes the complex and advanced knowledge you have in IT becomes useless in Africa if you don’t know the basics, because most of the time people use the basic IT software or platforms to do their works. Just recently there have been introduction of SPSS in Tanzania and many logistic companies use the software as their major means of data management and report generation.
Failing to study the systems, understand what people want, don’t just stays there inside your room writing codes developing application which does not even fit to our local communities. This goes even to the people who study things which are not applicable in Africa. Data mining and software testing these are great two careers in Asia and Europe but for Africa we don’t consider data minor as a professional since we think anyone can search for the data and the client is the tester of the software. That is the very simple example on how the system thinks about our careers.  Among the major mistake you might do is to fail to understand the people in the industry.