You want your business to grow or products to sale in Africa do this

After finishing my undergraduate studies in Bangalore India, I came back to Africa to my local town of Dar es salaam. I thought since I have enough knowledge in IT I believed I was ready to take challenge and start my own small ICT consultancy firm in Dar es Salaam. It didn’t work since in Dar es Salaam it was difficult to survive  the competition with the big boys in the industry so I decided to go to the developing capital city of Tanzania, Dodoma town where I started my business with my friend a small consultancy firm which deals with giving ICT support and the same time selling stationaries to the local colleges and institutions in the town.  All this time while in the business I learn a lot of things about the relationship between being ICT professional and ICT entrepreneur, what we think and discuss in our meetings or career developments seminars is completely difference with what happening on the ground.
                First you should learn to think like Africans, Africans will only invest when we have already witnessed on the success of the projects. We always want to look were the project was conducted first before convincing us the project will work. Creating good portfolio is very important for any investor aiming at doing business with Africans. Remember paper works and good presentation about the business proposal will not work unless you have done the work once. Personally I have witnessed so many people denied the offers to do government projects since they lack proof of conducting exactly the same project somewhere else.
                The second thing you should know about doing technology projects in Africa is that the government controls everything, things are different compared to Asia and Europe where by you will have IT giants companies with large capital and incomes running by themselves and dealing with major investors on their business. In Africa when you want to target a reasonable audience then your focus should be the government authorities I have done business and I know take it from me when an individual set a deal of one million Tanzanian shillings the government will take the same deal by ten million or more just ensure the execution of the projects goes well and finish your project in time.
                Most of the time is not about what your company is able to do is how you sale yourself. If you have a good company with good portfolio and experience in the work but you don’t push in to get the tender from the authorities forget about having a chance to get that deal. That’s why most of the companies from Asia especially China get a lot of opportunities from African governments compared to other companies since they are persistent and always learn to blend  in with the local communities before going for their exact aim.
                Take your time and think about the community first don’t just think about your business profit. Look at the impact of your business to the local people. Average African would rather spend money to buy food and clothes rather than buying gadgets or cover expensive mobile phone tariffs. Most of the successful mobile phone companies in Africa have learn the relationship between the audience and mobile tariffs. Don’t waste your time selling your products with high price sell it in lower price but make sure you cover the larger audience and for sure you will get your cost of production back.
                Came up with ideas which will target rural areas and people living in lower class by realizing the level of their technology usage, don’t do a silly mistake of developing application or conduct a projects that works in P.C or a smart phone while you know an average mobile phone user in Africa would just use the phone for two things texting and calling that’s it. That’s why the USSD applications these days are very successful in Africa since they target SMS and Africans like texting SMS.
                Learn from the locals, anywhere you go in Africa the strength of the families and traditional relationships is what runs business, that thing called professionalism hardly exists and that is the harsh reality. Learn to treat your clients as your blood relatives understand them, integrate with them and make sure you share your experience with them and then only you will be able to understand the challenges that will be facing your business.
                You should learn about the priorities of Africans in their daily life that should be your base line of your work or project. Ask yourself dumb questions like “are they really ready to spend this amount of money to buy this?” before you do any projects or release any product in Africa since in Africa people only go for luxuries when the basics are fulfilled.
 I hope this will be helpful for giants companies want to invest in Africa and for local small entrepreneurs trying to target the African audience as their main customers and buyers of their products and ideas.