first: This the most basic method. Click Start-->Turn Off Computer-->Shut Down. Every computer user will know this method. Actually everyone knows this i prefer you learn other tricks.
Second: Just press Alt+F4 to get the shutdown dialog box. This is quite common too.
Third: Go to your task-bar Either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del or by Right clicking the Task-bar and choosing Task Manager. You'll find 'Shutdown' on the Menu bar of the Task Manager. Click it to turn off your computer.
Forth: Press 'Ctrl+Esc' once and then press the 'u' key on the keyboard twice. Your system will automatically shutdown.
Fifth: Another similar method to the above mentioned one. Press 'Windows key'
and then press the key 'u' on the keyboard twice to turn off your
Sixth: Create
a shortcut for shutdown on your desktop. This is how you do it : Right
on the desktop and choose 'New Shortcut'. Then type 'shutdown -s -t 00'
in the text box provided (shown in the figure below). Click 'Next' and
click 'Finish'. Now just use the shortcut to turn off your computer.
'-s' means shutdown and '-t' is the duration of the time after which
you want to initiate your shutdown. You can replace '00' with any number
you want. By choosing '03', the system will turn off 3 seconds after you double clicked the shortcut.
Seventh: A similar method to the above one. Go to 'Run' by either pressing
'Windows key + R' or by clicking Start-->Run. Then type 'shutdown -s
-t 00' and press 'Ok'
Eighth: And now for the last way of turning off your computer. Go to your
'Task Manager' and click 'Shutdown'. Then keep the 'Ctrl' key pressed
and choose 'Shutdown'. This will instantly shutdown the computer.
known to be the fastest way to turn off your computer. Feel free to share more methods and just in case you want to share just put it in the comment so everyone can see it. The last method is not advised to be used since the system will turn off as if there is a power crash on restarting you might get some troubles. One more thing you can always enter in the windows command prompt through CMD and type shutdown/? and get all the shutdown options in the prompt interface with explained details.