When is the right time to stop bootstrapping and look for venture capital?

After being cost effective startup for some time you realize you need to stop innovating and working with the limited resources possible and start to look for venture capitals. The question is “when is the right time to do this”. Most of us we like venture capitalist to invest into our products and ideas at the very early stage something which totally not advised since it might make you lose a very large chunk of share from your company.

Even though to work and innovate require someone to have some incentives to do so but still the need of running and operating your company your own ways is very important until your company as matured enough to require support and funding from outside. Sometimes it takes more than 3 to 4 years to realize what your customers need is different from what you are offering them. After working with your own company for sometime only then you will be able to go through your revenue model and correct some stuffs to come up with a successful working model.

Is there a period of time during your startup development you can stop bootstrapping? The answer is no, every time you require proper management of funds and resources you have so that to attain maximum profit. So either you got funding from the VC or angel investor making proper utilization of funds and resources remains inevitable.
From my experience, one of the biggest challenges that are facing most of the local innovators and startups owners is seeking fund from the very early stage of the product development and idea generation. The problem not only affects them in the way they run and manage their companies but also tends to push venture capitalists from investing on their products and ideas. Most of the ideas and products at this stage they are too risks for an investor to inject money or even considering supporting them. At this stage it is even difficult for startup owners to understand their business models, their client base and sustainability of their ideas or products.

I agree with the fact that some of the ideas are getting opportunity to attract investors from the very early stage when they are just at development phase but the decision of allowing someone wither to invest in your idea or not still remain something that is very delicate that has to be handled wisely. The call you make that day when you decide to sell your share to someone is when you decide to give the power to control your product to someone else.

So when is the right time to find someone to inject money to your project? The answer is it depends with so many things but these are among the factors you should consider before making the tough call.

How much do you know about your product? Before you run and start looking for investors to put money in your product you should understand your product, the value of innovation within your product and your intellectual property rights. How much you know about your product is directly proportional to being able to convince someone to put money in your product. Always remember good ideas don’t exist every good idea have already implemented and put into practice. This means before starting looking for investors make sure your idea (product) work.

If you were the investor why would you want to such a product? If there is something very difficult is to tell yourself the truth, but if you can manage to do this definitely you can easily realize the right time to look for an investor. When you are half percent sure that your idea will work that is never the right time to approach the VCs, you will just waste your time. If you can’t believe in your product, who will?
Where does the supreme power of your product come from? Some of the products are directly related to consumers and their usage depends solely to the usability of the clients while other products will require intermediate companies that are well established to link you through. For example having a popular android app that have over a million user base means the power solely comes from the users. It’s always about you and the users while having a product that depends on developing USSD based platforms whereby you have to pay a lot of money to a certain local mobile company that power is distributed between you, the user and the service provider. For project that share same execution environment as the second one, you might be squeezed to look for investors from very early stage. Why should you run and start looking for funds while you don’t need to do any major investment in the beginning? If your operation power come from the people make sure you leverage the opportunity and use it.

What are you losing if someone doesn’t invest on your product? Opportunity to grow, which is the easiest answer someone can offer for that question. I don’t believe the only thing you require for your company to grow is funding. A lot of companies receive funding at early stages of their operation and ended up bankruptcy due to lack of proper management of funds and organizational skills. Sometimes what you real need is something far from funding.  

The speed of growth of your product and usability, they say patient pays. You should ask yourself one does someone run quickly to you and offer millions to buy shares from your product. You might not have enough knowledge on investment skills but always know that investor only invest money were the possibilities of positive returns are very high. When they came in running to you it is the time you realize the product you own has the ability to grow fast than you think. Take your time and be prepared for the bigger offers.

Finally, you only can decide the right time to go for external funding of your innovative idea and there is no replacement for bootstrapping the concept itself is the reason for success of most of the startups. If you read this article and you want to understand more please check the concept of venture funding, frugal innovation and startups management online. 

Jumanne Mtambalike
Tech360 Founder