Airtel Tanzania to use alternative source of energy…….

At the Tower
Airtel Tanzania has launched their new communication towers which will be using solar energy to operate. Mr. Joshua Kadeghe the Airtel engineer in Iringa has explained in detail about the new project which is aiming at improving the communication sector in the rural areas. The alternative source of energy is friendlier to the environment and this will help to increase the network penetration and coverage in the rural areas. The inauguration event was done at Kimande Village, Iringa. 
Mr. Jackson Mmbando Airtel Public Relation manager said their aim is to convert the current usage of diesel on their generators which increase operational cost and pollute the environment to the usage of the solar energy which is friendly to the environment and provides reasonable operational cost.
The villagers around the surrounding communities have been so grateful to receive the technology on their villages and most of them believe now they will be able to communicate easily to the local towns and cities.  Talking about the move Mr. Jumanne Zuberi he said they are so grateful that the government through investors has been improving the communication sector. 
TECH360 Correspondent