Renewable Energy Project Proposal Winners Will Deliver Lighting To Schools And Clinics In Tanzania

ARUSHA, October 12, 2012 – The Tanzanian Rural Energy Agency has selected 15 winners from 102 innovative proposals submitted in the Lighting Rural Tanzania Competition 2012 (LRTC 2012). Each of the winners will receive about $100,000 for a total of $1.5 million financed by the World Bank. The competition follows a similar contest in 2010 (LRTC 2010), which awarded $1 million to 10 winners in the country that resulted in improved access to energy and lighting for over 125,000 individuals  and for the users of 52 public facilities.

LRTC 2012 focuses on increasing access to modern lighting systems in schools and health facilities in rural Tanzania. Concept notes were received from social entrepreneurs, private foundations, government agencies, academia, the private sector, individuals, and civil society.  A team of independent assessors with expertise in energy, business, and community development reviewed the proposals. These assessors selected 26 finalists who were then given six weeks to prepare concrete proposals. Ten jurors reviewed the proposals at the LRTC 2012 event in Arusha from October 1-2, before they finally selected the winners.  The implementation of the winning projects will be completed in 18 months.

While opening the competition in Arusha, Tanzania’s Deputy Minister for Energy and Minerals, Hon. George Simbachawene,  noted, “As of now, less than 20 percent of households in mainland Tanzania have access to electricity services, whereas in the rural areas it is 6.6 percent.New ideas and innovations that can work efficiently and sustainably are important.” The minister commended the successful implementation of nine out of 10 projects launched at the LRTC 2010.

Rural Energy Board Chairman, Ambassador Ami Mpungwe, highlighted the role of the private sector as strategic partner in energizing and transforming rural Tanzania. “REA is deeply committed to rendering whatever assistance may be required, within its ability, to support the local private sector in becoming more proactive and more involved in the provision of modern sources of energy to Rural Tanzania,” Amb. Mpungwe said.

Ms. María Hilda Rivera, World Bank Energy Analyst stressed the importance of maintaining a strong collaboration between the REA and the World Bank in order to reach rural Tanzania with competitive, commercial, and clean technologies and business services.  Activities implemented by recipients under LRTC 2012 will serve as a model for other countries seeking to reach their rural poor with high quality, low cost lighting products and services delivered via proven business approaches,” she said.

The winning project proposals were:

1.     Provision of Solar Energy Services to Education Sector Service Institutions in Kibaha Town Council by Alternative Energy Tanzania;
2.     Solar Project for Lighting Secondary Schools and Dispensaries in Nachingwea by Baraka Solar Specialist;
3.     Electrification of Public Health Centers and Secondary Schools in Kilwa District by Eng. Conrad Katakweba;
4.     Introduction of Solar Systems in Longido District by Kampuni ya Kusambaza Teknolojia (KAKUTE Limited);
5.     Provision of Electricity to Off Grid Rural Secondary Schools and Dispensaries using Wind-solar Hybrid Systems in Manyara Region by Masotricity Engineering Company;
6.     Solar Power Electrification in Selected 12 Rural Dispensaries to Improve Quality of Health Services and Working Environmental for Health Workers in Newala District by Newala District Council;
7.     Provision and Promotion of Markets of Clean Efficient Energy Services to Education Facilities and Poor Rural Communities in Geita District by Nishati Associates Company;
8.     Biogas for Lighting in Rural Areas of Njombe Region by Jumuiya Ya Orphans Education Center (ORECE);
9.     Water to Wire Pico Hydro for Mpanda Uchindile by PETIDACO Mechanical Works;
10.  PV Electrification for Lighting Rural Health Facilities and Secondary Schools in Biharamulo District by RESCO (T) Ltd;
11.  Wind-Solar Hybrid Systems for Sustainable Health Services in Manyara Region by Eng. Samwel Lukas;
12.  Rural Electrification Project - Mkuranga District by Southern Corridor Company Ltd;
13.  Lighting Secondary Schools in Meatu District by Tanzania Child Rights and Economic Enhancement Programme (TaCREEP);
14.  Lighting Rural Schools in Tanzania by Lake Tanganyika Development and Relief Organisation (TADERO); and
15.  Improving Access to Lighting Solar PV Systems in Health and Education Centres for Sustainable Development in Tanzania by Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organization (TaTEDO).

About The Rural Energy Agency (REA): is a Government of Tanzania institution established under the Rural Energy Act, 2005 to promote and facilitate investment in modern energy services by working with key partners and collaborators from the public and private sectors in order to increase access to modern energy services for rural inhabitants and improve productive use of energy in order to stimulate rural social and economic development. REA is committed to address the modern energy needs of large rural population as underscored in REA’s Vision and Mission i.e. “Transformation of rural livelihoods through provision of modern energy services” and “To promote and facilitate availability and access to modern energy services in rural Mainland Tanzania” respectively.

Tanzania: Loy Nabeta + (255-22) 21 63 200,
Washington: Aby Toure +1 (202) 473-8302,

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