We have to navigate from the current system of ICT entrepreneurship in Tanzania………..

I don’t think and I don’t know if its east but it is the only way the tech entrepreneurs in Tanzania to create new opportunities and accept new challenges. It has been very difficult to practice ICT entrepreneurship in Tanzania the main reason being people are reluctant to become creative and create something new. People are not ready to conduct some research online and see what others are doing elsewhere in the world.
The Tanzanian tech entrepreneurs are still sticking to the old fashioned way of running their companies. From the services they provide, marketing skills, client approach and even the way we ran our organizations. Every small startup company want to do the exact same thing others are doing. For example if you conduct a research on the Tanzania tech startups and small ICT business you will find people doing the same thing Web designing, web hosting, domain customization and creating cooperate emails then it’s done.  
Over 50 percent of the tech companies available in Dar es Salaam are doing the same kind of services how on earth do you expect your company to survive. Some of the big boys in the Tanzania tech industry have been doing the same stuff for years they have all the tenders and the potential to collect new bids.
It’s the time you seat down a while and creating the idea first on what you want to do and the approach you will use to survive in the thrilling Tanzania tech industry. There are so many things which you can do and services which you can provide that will make customers to flow in to your side simply because no one is offering them.
A lot of companies in Tanzania wright now are looking for experts to help them survive with the change in trends of technologies. Companies are looking for experts and consultation on cloud computing, social media, mobile computing and agile systems development and so many other services and sometimes they have to pay a lot of money to get someone from outside Tanzania to come and do the job. 
Most of the companies now in Tanzania are going mobile, they want to reach their customers quickly and access them wherever they are so wither you have the ability to create mobile website, USSD apps or even integrating financial systems with mobile phones, you have a chance to start a company and offer those services which are in really demand from the Tanzania cooperate industry. 
You can even decide to specialize in Cloud computing, managing cooperate files, making backups of their records safe on their servers or online, enhancing their security and allow them to share the files in the most efficient and flexible way. Starting a cloud computing company is not that much expensive you can offer the services using the third party company to store the files. These are just examples there is a lot of tech ideas available online before you start your company think about an innovative idea that can make you compete and survive in the industry. 
You can start by checking what the neighboring countries are doing the go to the services that tech companies in Asia and Europe that they offer and slowly start to implement in your organization or company. You must know it is not about what you offer it is about what the client want and if you can deliver it the wright way. 
Jumanne Mtambalike
TECH360 Correspondent