How technology can help to shape African governance system….

There was a time in Africa to speak about Open governance and leaders’ abuse of power was a crime. Listening to my father and the way he speaks about the ruling system in 60’s, 70’s and 80’s you will definitely realize enquiring about how the government running its businesses was considered to be an offence to the government in some countries an act of treason and betrayal to the government. 
Things have changed a lot and among the major influencers in changing the system has been the advancement in technology. People wright now has several ways of sharing information online and reaching their communities, a single statement on twitter of a politician or activists can reach thousands of his followers within fraction of a minute. What does this mean? The governments are no longer safe and the more they try to hide the details to the people the more they are being exposed to their people. 
Out of 54 African countries only 2 of them Kenya and Tunisia are participating in the open data community; releasing important information and details about their government and country available online for free and for everyone to access. It is a great initiative but is not enough for the large continent like Africa to just have to countries which have officially accepted the open data policy in their countries. I remember during the Google Dar (GTUG) event one of the speakers representing the government through COSTECH was asked why Tanzania is reluctant to join the effort but he gave a political answer that we are still working on it. 
Kenya they are doing good with and effort on transparent Africa using their platform Open Data Kenya ( Through the platform people could access several information concerning their countries and most of the time these details has been useful to individuals doing particular research or analysis about the government efficiency and where to stress in more effort to convince the government to tackle the problem. Am talking about Kenya since it is our neighbor in East Africa and already practicing the system and facilitating the policy. 
Data is the most important thing wright now; people need know what is happening within the government so that they can make proper decision on whom to choose during election and where to invest and several other things. Foreign investors are always looking for countries with stable government system, proper supervision and transparent ruling system.
Through technology people can be reached easily, government officials can get opinions and views of the community on how to impact several problems facing the communities. Technology has been used to encourage people to participate in several activities which might improve the livelihood of the local people. The re-tweet of Hon. John Mnyika  (MP) of Ubungo Constituency encouraging people to share their views about the Tanzania new constitution is among the proves of how technology can be used to encourage open governance and get people involved to the decision making. 
RT "@MichaelDalali: Kwa dakika 5 tu unaweza kuleta mabadiliko Tanzania. Shiriki sasa. Toa maoni yako hapa: … #KatibaMpya
Technology has been used by African leaders to emphasize on certain projects and create awareness to the people about the execution of those projects on how people can be involved in the process. 
The e-Schools project to connect 300 schools by 2013 to the net under National School Connectivity Plan  #Tanzania
 Tough questions and suggestions have been posed to the government officials about matters affecting the country through twitter pages and accounts. For example this tweet from Zitto Kabwe among the famous and popular Tanzania young politician on twitter; 
As suggested by one here, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda has completely failed to explain govt actions on billions held by Tanzanians offshore 
It’s a great start and yes, we have come so far to reach here from the days that only single person can make all the tough decision and nobody is asking to where we are today. It’s a great achievement. I have just being informed about mRushwa ( the initiative started by Hon. January Makamba the Tanzania's Deputy Minister for Communication, Science & Technology and Bumbuli Member of Parliament. The initiative is aiming at fighting against corruption in Tanzania through the use of technology were by people will be able to report crimes and acts of bribery direct through their mobile phones and computers.
mRushwa is a web and mobile based corruption reporting application in Tanzania, that aims to increase citizen reporting. The USSD reports are available on the web in real time. (KINUvation)
It is the time we return the supremacy the power to control the government to the people through technology. Through the use of digital media and hand held devices people can be able to express their opinions and ideas directly to the ruling part of the community. It is the time we embrace technology and use it to shape the ruling systems of African countries. 
Jumanne Mtambalike
TECH360 Correspondent